Minn. Female Assist. Police Chief Could Become First Openly Gay U.S. Marshal

Sharon Lubinski has been looked upon as a pioneer in law enforcement, a field filled with people that have not always been receptive to alternative life styles.


Associated Press Writer
MINNEAPOLIS — As a little-known Minneapolis police sergeant, Sharon Lubinski made headlines when she declared she was a lesbian on the front pages of the city’s largest newspaper – a bold move that other gay officers say inspired them to come out, too.

More than a decade later, Lubinski could become the first openly gay U.S. marshal after President Barack Obama nominated the 57-year-old assistant police chief to one of the country’s top law enforcement jobs last week.

Though some gay rights activists have criticized the nomination as nothing more than a symbolic gesture from a president they say has lagged behind on key gay issues, others note the move is a step in the right direction toward ending a culture of discrimination.

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