By New York Daily News Editorial Board
Republicans beclowned themselves in a committee hearing Thursday as they desperately tried to discredit FBI agent Peter Strzok.
Strzok is the deep-state punching bag of President Trump because, while heading up investigations into both Russian interference in the Trump campaign and Hillary Clinton’s email server in 2016, he said negative things about the man who would be President to Lisa Page, the Justice Department lawyer with whom he was having an affair.
Ergo, claims Trump, Strzok and Page were key operatives in a vast left-wing conspiracy to bring him down. Which means everything that follows, including Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation, is fruit of a poisonous tree.
The caricatures come easy to the President and his cronies in Congress, who Thursday tried to brand Strzok a political henchman and, for good measure, untrustworthy philanderer.
As they stooped to new lows to smear a public servant, it was Republican Reps. Trey Gowdy and Louie Gohmert who showed themselves to be faithless cowards.
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