NYPD Commissioner Kelly Says Security for 9/11 Trial Going to Cost Far More Than Expected

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By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — No matter the cost, one thing is certain: It ain’t going to be cheap.

The Associated Press is reporting that New York police commissioner Raymond Kelly says the cost of providing security for the upcoming federal trial of five Sept. 11, 2001 terror attack suspects will far exceed the original estimate of $75 million mentioned in mid-November. No updated figure was given.

Ray Kelly/nypd photo
Ray Kelly/nypd photo

But Kelly told USA Today that he’d need federal help paying for the security for the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, and four others. No trial date has been set.

The decision to put the defendants on trial has caused a great deal of  controversy. Critics say it will only put the citizens of New York in danger and cost a great deal of  money to provide security.  The Obama administration insists that it will be good for the defendants to go through the judicial system.

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