Off-Duty Hawaii FBI Agent Shot Man Brandishing Fake Gun

softair gun from online catalogue
softair gun from online catalogue
By Allan Lengel

The man shot and wounded by an off-duty FBI agent in Honolulu on Sunday was brandishing an airsoft gun that shoots plastic pellets, but resembles a real gun, the Honolulu Star Bulletin reported.

“The important thing is not what kind of weapon he was carrying, but the perception of the agent at the time he took the shot,”  said FBI spokesman and special agent Tom Simon said, according to the newspaper.

The incident began when a man and woman flagged down the FBI agent and said a man was brandishing a gun. The man ordered the agent to put down the gun, but instead, he moved toward the agent, and the agent shot and wounded him, the paper reported.

The Star Bulletin reported that Honolulu police during a press conference declined to disclose the weapon used by Martin Boegel, 27. But it discussed the dangers of brandishing a fake gun.  Boegel’s mother says he has a history of mental illness, the paper reported.

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