Ooops! FBI Barges in Wrong Fla. Home

By Allan Lengel

There was one of those Oooops moments in Delray Beach, Fla.

Station WPBF reported that FBI agents mistakenly barged into the wrong home in Delray in their search for a teen who allegedly concocted a phony kidnapping plot to extort money from his parents.

The station reported that Naomi Palmer was sleeping on the sofa Tuesday morning when she heard commotion at the door and people yelling.

“They started hollering FBI, FBI,” Palmer says. “They came in with high-powered rifles.”

Delray Beach police Sgt. Nicole Guerriero told the station that “sometimes we get information we have to follow up on, especially in a case like this when someone is stating that their life is in danger and they’re being kidnapped. Unfortunately, we don’t always get the right address. We did have to enter two other homes because we received information that he was possibly there.”


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