Police: Car Traveling to L.A. Pride Parade Was Full of Weapons, Explosive Material

James Wesley Howell
James Wesley Howell

By Steve Neavling

Police arrested a man who was headed to the L.A. Pride parade with a car full of explosive material and weapons.

Kames Wesley Howell, 20, of Indiana was found with three rifles, high capacity magazines loaded with ammunition and chemicals for potential explosives, the New York Daily News reports. 

Police arrested Howell after receiving a call at 4:59 a.m. about a suspicious man banging on doors and windows.

“Our officer immediately noticed that there was a rifle in the seat of the car, which led to a further investigation, at which point, we recovered additional firearms and high-capacity magazines,” Rodriquez said.

“The suspect did make an initial statement that he was going to go to the Pride festival,” Rodriguez said. “Beyond that he did not make additional statements saying he was going to do anything further than that. We do not have any additional information as to what his intentions were.”

Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Saybrooks said Howell intended to harm a lot of people at the gay pride event.

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