Prosecutors: FBI Agents Justified When They Shot, Killed Man in Idaho Wilderness

Steve Neavling

FBI agents used reasonable force when they fatally shot a kidnapping and murder suspect in the Idaho wilderness last year, the Associated Press reports.

Federal and local prosecutors said Wednesday that the two FBI agents should not face charges because they were justified by shooting James DiMaggio, who was suspected of kidnapping a teenage girls and killing her mother and brother in California.

The decision didn’t sit well with DiMaggio’s sister, Lora DiMaggio Robinson.

“I’m sure the FBI agents who shot and killed my brother, James DiMaggio, are celebrating tonight – over how they won’t be facing any criminal charges,” Robinson said in a statement to The Associated Press. “I wish my brother would have been given the same opportunity of a U.S. attorney’s investigation and possible indictment and then a trial by jury, instead of a bullet in the head and five more to ‘stop’ him.”

Agents shot DiMaggio after he fired two rifle shots.

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