Report on Airport Security Breach is Cause for Heartburn

By Allan Lengel

The stats for our nation’s airport should be cause for major heartburn.

USA Today reports that more than 25,000 security breaches — an average of about seven per day — have occurred at U.S. airports since November 2001.

Citing newly released Department of Homeland Security documents, USA Today reported that more than 14,000 people entered “limited-access” areas by going through airport doors or passageways without permission.

Other breaches included unauthorized people going from airport buildings to planes.

The documents are to be presented at a House subcommittee hearing Wednesday, the paper reported.

“It’s clear the airports are not secure,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of the House Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations said, according to USA Today. “For all the money, time and persistence we have thrown at airport security, it’s a real mess.”

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