Slain FBI Agent Put to Rest in Baltimore: FBI Dir. Speaks at Funeral

FBI agent Sam Hicks was put to rest Thursday, a reminder to the law enforcement community of the dangers of the job.

The Associated Press
BALTIMORE — FBI agents and police officers joined family members today for the funeral of an FBI agent killed in a drug raid in suburban Pittsburgh.
The funeral for Special Agent Sam Hicks was held at the Cathedral of Mary our Queen in Baltimore, the city where he once served as a police officer.
The only speakers were FBI director Robert Mueller and U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey.
Mr. Mueller said he didn’t know Agent Hicks but was able to catch a glimpse of his character by talking to his family and colleagues. He called Hicks “something of a superhero,” saying he was “full of strength and energy.” Mr. Mueller presented Agent Hicks’ widow with a memorial star and told her that she and her son, Noah, would always be part of the FBI family.
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Read Mueller’s Prepared Remarks

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