State Dept. Officer Recalled From Africa After Secret DEA and State Dept. Documents Found

What the heck was State Dept. worker Reginald Hopson doing with secret documents about DEA investigations and classified State Department cables he wasn’t supposed to have?


By Jeffrey Anderson
Washington Times

WASHINGTON — Reginald Eugene Hopson, a 30-year State Department foreign service officer, was summoned back to Washington from South Africa in October, stripped of his top-secret security clearance and questioned by federal investigators, records show.

He was an information management specialist and pouch control officer who processed classified information at U.S. embassies in Bolivia, Trinidad and Tobago, and South Africa. His interrogators wanted to know about a raft of classified documents found in his possession — documents they said he had no business having.

The documents included a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) file on a confidential undercover operation and eight classified State Department cables, two of which related to intelligence matters and national defense.

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