Suburban Boston Ex-Cop Admits to Lying to FBI Agents and Agrees to Cooperate in Police Corruption Probe

stoughton policeBy Allan Lengel

The Boston FBI will be getting a little help in a suburban police corruption probe, thanks to a former cop from that departmentĀ  who has agreed to cooperate.

Ex-Detective Arlindo Romeiro of the Stoughton Police Department pleaded guilty Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Boston to lying to FBI agents about a police corruption probe and agreed to cooperate in the investigation that appears to be widening, the Boston Globe reported. Stoughton is about 30 minutes outside of Boston.

The Globe reported that Romeiro lied to FBI agents in July and denied knowing that cops in his department had received “stolen gift cards and merchandise from an informant secretly cooperating with the FBI, when, in fact, he was among the recipients, a federal prosecutor said.”

The Globe reported the 37-year-old former detective “left the courtroom holding his eyeglasses and brushing away tears.”


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