Justice Department to Dramatically Expand Rules Aimed at Profiling by Federal Agents

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com In a move to address decades of concerns about the protection of civil rights, the Justice Department plans to expand its definition of racial profiling to alleviate discrimination by religion, nationality, gender and sexual orientation, the New York Times reports. Although the Bush administration banned racial profiling in 2003, it provided exclusions…

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ACLU Report: FBI Has No Safeguards to Protect Against Constitutional Violations

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The FBI’s lack of safeguards in collecting suspicious activity leads to privacy violations as well as racial and religious profiling, the ACLU claimed in a new report, the Washington Post reports. The FBI collects so-called “suspicious activity” records using the eGuardian system, which has caused confusion among different law enforcement agencies, the…

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Newark Star-Ledger: FBI Surveillance’s Lasting Impact Reminiscent of NYPD’s Snooping in Newark

Editorial Board Newark Star-Ledger  In its hunt for terrorists, the New York Police Department hid moles in Newark mosques and sent agents into Paterson bodegas. The spying stayed secret until boxes of documents were leaked to the Associated Press. Here’s what was exposed: The NYPD’s surveillance of New Jersey Muslims never turned up a useful…

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