FBI Agents’ Email Show Concern Over Anti-Muslim Bias in Training

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com NPR has some new coverage of the anti-Muslim bias in FBI training. The radio station has obtained real-time emails from agents in the controversial Quantico training session which indicate that some agents, distressed by what they were being taught, complained to superiors and sought council from experts. “Generally, Mohammed was portrayed…

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Atty. Gen. Holder Decries Anti-Semitism and Anti-Muslim Sentiments in Las Vegas Speech to Anti-Defamation League

Attorney Gen. Eric Holder Jr. delivered a speech in Vegas that not only  focused on anti-Semitism, but also touched on the anti-Muslim sentiments in this country. It might help if both groups realized how much they had in common. By HILLARY LEILA KRIEGER Jerusalem Post Washington Correspondent US Attorney-General Eric Holder decried the continued phenomenon…

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