Report: ATF Fails to Inspect Majority of Licensed Gun Dealers in Past 5 Years

Steve Neavling The ATF has failed to inspect 58% of licensed gun dealers every five years because of understaffing and other obligations, the Houston Chronicle reports. The Justice Department’s inspector general examined data from 2007 to 2012. The report also criticized the ATF’s failure to track its industry operations investigators. Most of the blame…

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Absence of ATF in Northern Nevada Thwarts Investigation into Guns, Other Crimes

Steve Neavling A tiff between the ATF and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Reno has left crime-stopping teams without the proper equipment to conduct undercover gun operations and gun buyback programs in northern Nevada, the Reno Gazette Journal reports. Since ATF agents left the Nevada office, local and regional police have been unable to…

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Gun Store That Sold Weapons Found at Scene of Newtown School Shooting Had Hundreds of Violations

Steve Neavling  The Connecticut gun store that sold two guns at the scene of the Newtown elementary school massacre had more than 500 violations of federal firearms regulations, reports the Journal News of Westchester County. Still, the ATF allowed the store to stay open without yanking the license until after the shooting, the Journal…

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ATF Seeks Mega Database to Consolidate Personal Information About Suspects

Steve Neavling  The ATF is hoping to acquire a mega database that would allow agents to quickly draw connections between suspects’ names, phone numbers, social security numbers and utility bills, the Huffington Post reports. As it is, agents must analyze data largely by hand because the information is stored in separate locations, consuming time…

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