Administrative DEA Officer Indicted in Minn. on Child Porn Charges

By Allan Lengel A 48-year-old administrative officer for the DEA has been indicted in Minneapolis for producing child pornography involving a 15-year-old boy. Scott James Whitcomb of Zimmerman, Minn., was indicted Thursday in federal court and charged with coercing a 15-year-old boy into engaging in sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing pornography,…

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Ga. Man Pleads Guilty in International Online Child Porn Bulletin Board

By Allan Lengel A Georgia man pleaded guilty Monday in Los Angeles to transporting child pornography using a secret Internet bulletin board that allowed approximately three dozen members to trade thousands of images and videos of child pornography depicting young boys in sexually explicit situations, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced. David Michael Fagerness, 44,…

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Detroit Fed Judge Fines Ex-Prosecutor $2,000 For Allegedly Trying to Intimidate Mother of Victim in Child Porn Case

By Allan Lengel A Detroit federal judge has fined a former assistant U.S. Attorney  $2,000 for making an “unwarranted and baseless request” in a child pornography case, the Detroit News reported.  The judge alleged that the ex-prosecutor, turned defense attorney, tried to intimidate the mother of the victim. U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman last…

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