Fed Judge Bothered that Justice Dept. Didn’t Appeal Death Penalty Ruling in NYPD Cop Killing Case

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com A Brooklyn fed judge is none too happy with the Justice Department and Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. in a case involving the murder of two New York police detectives,  the NY Daily News reported. U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis “bristled” on Tuesday when expressing his displeasure that the Justice Department…

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Executions of Fed Prisoners May Be Rare But the Denver U.S. Atty. Will Try for Dealth Penalty in 2 Cases

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Going for the federal death penalty is one thing. Putting a federal inmate to death is another. Since the reinstatement of the federal death penalty in 1988,  three  federal inmates have actually been executed and 60 are sitting on death row, according to Death Penalty Information Center. The last inmate to…

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Retired Justice John Paul Stevens Speaks out on Death Penalty; Calls it Racist, Filled With Politics

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens has finally explained his opposition to the death penalty, “saying personnel changes on the court, coupled with ‘regrettable judicial activism,’had created a system of capital punishment that is shot through with racism, skewed toward conviction, infected with politics and tinged with hysteria,”…

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Attys for New Orleans Cops to Meet With Justice to Discuss Death Penalty Issue

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Attorneys for four current and ex-cops charged in the civilian Post-Katrina shootings on the Danziger Bridge will try and dissuade the Justice Department from seeking the death penalty, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reported. The paper reports that attorneys are scheduled to meet with Justice Department officials Tuesday to discuss the matter….

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