Washington Post Editorial Edorses 2 Ex-Justice Dept. Lawyers — Ken Wainstein and James Comey– to be Next FBI Director

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — A Washington Post editorial on Tuesday praised FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III and endorsed two people who have been mentioned as possible replacements when Mueller’s 10-year term expires in September. The Post said the White House should seriously consider as replacements former deputy Attorney General James B. Comey,…

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FBI Agents Association Endorse Ex-FBI Agent Mike Mason as New Director

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The FBI Agents Association has endorsed ex-FBI agent Mike Mason to replace the soon-to-retire FBI Director Robert Mueller III. The association, which represents more than 12,000 active duty and retired agents, said Tuesday that it had submitted the recommendation to the Obama Administration. “While the FBIAA is not limiting itself to…

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