ACLU Report: FBI Has No Safeguards to Protect Against Constitutional Violations

Steve Neavling The FBI’s lack of safeguards in collecting suspicious activity leads to privacy violations as well as racial and religious profiling, the ACLU claimed in a new report, the Washington Post reports. The FBI collects so-called “suspicious activity” records using the eGuardian system, which has caused confusion among different law enforcement agencies, the…

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ACLU Recommends Budget Cuts Amid Imminent Government Shutdown Threats

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.comĀ  New FBI Director James Comey may have to make big cuts to the bureau’s budget because of a government shutdown and last year’s sequester. The ACLU has some ideas about “programs that deserve to get the axe, because they’re ineffective, undermine innocent Americans’ privacy and civil liberties, or simply offend American values.”…

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