Crackdown on Mexican Cartels in U.S. Nets 2,200-Plus Arrests in 22 Months

By Allan Lengel More than 2,200 people have been arrested in the past 22 months — 429 of them Wednesday — in a crackdown on Mexican drug trafficking organizations in the U.S. dubbed “Project Deliverance”, the Justice Department announced. Among those arrested was Carlos Ramon Castro-Rocha, the suspected leader of the Castro-Rocha drug trafficking…

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New Orleans Times-Picayune Editorial: Justice Dept. Probe Into BP Spill “Necessary Step”

By New Orleans Times-Picayune Editorial NEW ORLEANS — The Justice Department’s investigation into possible criminal and civil violations related to BP’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is an important and necessary step. The more Americans learn about the decisions and missteps that may have contributed to the disaster, the more it seems that…

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Column: ATF Needs a Little Love in Times Square

By Jeff Stein SpyTalk WASHINGTON — Poor ATF: It don’t get no respect. NYPD’s Ray Kelly, Attorney General Holder and DHS honcho Janet Napolitano all heaped praise on themselves and each other for their fabulous work in the Times Square bomb case. But the ATF? Nada. Out of sight, out of mind, evidently, overlooked like…

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