FBI “Blackballing” FOIA Request Files?

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com The website Truthout has reported on some unflattering FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) practices Tuesday morning. The site claims that the FBI regularly engages in the “blackballing” of files–returning a “no records” response to FOIA requests when in fact the records do exists. An interesting story, particularly for those seeking FBI…

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Atty. Gen. Holder Announces More Openess With Freedom of Informaton Act

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON –  This announcement comes under the category of: “I’m skeptical”. Some federal law enforcement agencies have been reluctant to give up information, even the simplest of information. So this is very welcome. But still, I’m  attaching  a  wait-and-see caveat to this. Attorney Gen. Eric Holder on Thursday announced “comprehensive new…

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