Chicago Prosecutors Fear Ex-Gov. Blago’s Lawyers Will Try for “Jury Nullification”

By Allan Lengel Chicago fed prosecutors in the upcoming political corruption trial of ex-Ill. Gov. Rod Blagojevich are worried defense attorneys might go for “jury nullification” and ask jurors to ignore the facts of the case and acquit. “The government respectfully moves this Court to preclude the defendants from arguing, or otherwise presenting evidence…

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Homeland Security Strips Gov. Blagojevich of Access to Fed Security Info

Slowly authorities will strip the governor of his powers til there’s very little left. By CARYN ROUSSEAU Associated Press Writer CHICAGO – The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has revoked embattled Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s access to classified federal security information, officials said Friday. The move withdraws the governor’s access to classified information, although Blagojevich spokesman…

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