ATF Searches for Suspect Who Stole More Than a Dozen Firearms from Delaware Gun Store
Federal agents are trying to identify a suspect who stole more than a dozen firearm from a Delaware gun shop.
Federal agents are trying to identify a suspect who stole more than a dozen firearm from a Delaware gun shop.
A little more than a month before Omar Mateen opened fire on an Orland nightclub, the owner of a Florida gun store alerted the FBI to a “very suspicious man” who was trying to buy body armor and bulk ammunition.
Steve Neavling It took eight years for the ATF to shut down a gun store in Washington state that had nearly 2,500 guns stolen or lost, Raw Story reports.To put that into perspective, there were fewer than 200 combined guns missing at the state’s other 1,093 stores. “Stunning,” James Zammillo, a former ATF deputy…
Steve Neavling The Connecticut gun store that sold two guns at the scene of the Newtown elementary school massacre had more than 500 violations of federal firearms regulations, reports the Journal News of Westchester County. Still, the ATF allowed the store to stay open without yanking the license until after the shooting, the Journal…