Homeland Security Remains without a Leader As Authorities Struggle to Find Nominee

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com With Janet Napolitano out, Homeland Security is without a nomination for a new chief. Maybe that’s because it’s a thankless job that can spoil a reputation, the Washington Post reports. “It’s a high-risk job,” one observer told the Post. “If something happens on your watch, you’re done.”   OTHER STORIES OF INTEREST…

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Former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano Takes Over as UC President

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano took over as the president of the University of California on Monday, but she’s already facing challenges. A group of student activists are asking for a “no-confidence” vote to express disapproval over her hiring, the Associated Press reports. The activists said Napolitano is a bad choice…

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Senate Panel Explores Effectiveness of Homeland Security Department on Sept. 11 Anniversary

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com How prepared is Homeland Security to handle terrorism threats? On the 12th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, a Senate panel will ask that question as it examines the department and interviews former lawmakers and past DHS officials, including the first Homeland Security secretary, Tom Ridge, the Washington Post reports. The…

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