Homeland Chief Napolitano Issues Statement on Colo. Shootings

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano issued a statement following the mass shooting at an Aurora, Colo. movie theater early Friday morning, saying “I am deeply saddened by the terrible shooting.” “Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies continue to respond to this horrific event and I have directed the Department of…

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Three Questioned in Shooting of ICE Agent

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Police have detained three people for questioning in the shooting of a federal immigration agent in South Texas, the Associated Press reports. It’s unclear if the trio was involved in the non-fatal shooting of Kelton Harrison, an agent for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations. Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Trevino…

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Hispanic voters favor Obama despite immigration policies

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com So far President Obama’s immigration policies are unlikely to woo Latino voters, especially after Homeland Security reported last week that too few deportations are being halted under the administration. Now pressure is building for Obama to loosen his policies in hopes of gaining more support from Latinos, who overwhelmingly supported the president…

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Ex-FBI Agent Thomas F. Minton III Appointed Director of Pennsylvania Homeland Security

  Shoshanna Utchenik ticklethewire.com Ex-FBI agent Thomas F. Minton III  will head up the Pennsylvania Governor’s Office of Homeland Security, the governor’s office announced. Minton, 52, served most of his 22 years with the FBI investigating national security matters with a focus on terrorism, according to a press release. Minton was involved in key investigations such…

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Border Patrols to be Cut by Half

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com Federal budget cuts have manifested themselves in a multitude of ways already. Now, dramatically, the Obama administration plans next year to cut the number of National Guard troops patrolling the US-Mexico border by at least half, reports the Washington Times. Though the White House is not announcing the plans yet, Republican…

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