Issa and Grassley Concerned About ATF Blocking Book by Whistleblower on “Fast and Furious”

By TAL KOPAN Politico WASHINGTON — Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Chuck Grassley sent a letter to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on Thursday demanding more information about the agency’s decision to prohibit the agent who blew the whistle on Operation Fast and Furious from publishing his book. The House Oversight and…

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Report on controversial Fast and Furious to be Released by Tuesday

By Steve Neavling  The Justice Department inspector general expects to issue the long-anticipated report on the ATF gun-running operation known as Fast and Furious by next Tuesday morning, CNN reports. DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz is to testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Tuesday morning, following the report’s release. Attorney…

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Justice Department Rejects Claims That Obama Administration Policies Led to Botched Drug-Running Case

Steve Neavling The Justice Department on Tuesday dismissed allegations from Republican lawmakers who claimed the Obama administration’s strategy for cracking down on gun-smuggling led to the botched Operation Fast and Furious, the Associated Press reports. Republicans allege the administration shifted its focus from seizing firearms from Mexican drug cartels to identifying gun traffickers. The…

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Fast and Furious Redux?

By Danny Fenster It appears that members of Congress have found a new ATF operation to scrutinize. But unlike Fast and Furious, the operation–code-named White Gun–has been defended by the agency as a “well-managed investigation” which resulted in the arrest and conviction of three individuals, reports LA Times. Still, critics are skeptical. “Apparently guns got…

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DEA Money Laundering Began Under Reagan, Justice Says

By Danny Fenster The DEA sting operation involving the laundering of money to drug cartels that has angered some Republican congressmen actually dates back to the Reagan administration, according to the Justice Department. Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs Ronald Weich sent a letter to Rep. Darrel Issa–the Republic congressman leading the charges against…

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