Sessions’ Explanation for Dodging Some Questions Raises Red Flags
Attorney General Jeff Sessions often refused to answer questions from lawmakers on Tuesday, claiming that he does not have to disclose private deliberations involving the president.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions often refused to answer questions from lawmakers on Tuesday, claiming that he does not have to disclose private deliberations involving the president.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions dismissed allegations that he colluded with the Russian government as “an appalling and detestable lie” during testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions was one of Donald Trump’s earliest supporters, defending the president’s populist agenda.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions wants to prosecute people who sell medical marijuana in states that have approved the sales for qualifying patients.
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Thursday used to be “Must-See TV” night on NBC. But lately, it seems that is applicable to the televised hearings of the U.S. Senate. U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee plans to have Attorney General Jeff Sessions testify in an open hearing on Tuesday, a televised appearance that’s likely to get big TV…
Attorney General Jeff Sessions committed the ultimate act of disloyalty in the eyes of President Trump when the former Republican senator recused himself from the Russia investigation.
President Trump’s decision to urge then-FBI Director James Comey to end the investigation into national security adviser Michael Flynn was so alarming that the bureau boss told Attorney General Jeff Sessions that he didn’t want to be left alone with Trump.
Few elected officials were as quick and passionate about supporting Donald Trump for president than Jeff Sessions, who was a senator at the time.