Attorney Finds Errors in Report by Director Freeh on Penn State Abuse Scandal

Steve Neavling An attorney charged with challenging a landmark report on the Penn State University investigation slammed the findings, saying they are inaccurate and misleading, the Pittsburgh Tribune Review reports. The attorney, Michael L. Bangs, criticized the author of the report, former FBI Director Louis Freeh. Bangs questions every page of the 267-page review…

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Ex-FBI Director Freeh Facing Libel, Defamation Suit Over Penn State Child Sex Abuse Scandal

   Steve Neavling Former FBI director Louis Freeh is being sued for libel and defamation over his detailed report about the child sex abuse scandal at Penn State University, the Associated Press reports. The university’s former president, Graham Spanier, initiated the suit because of how he was characterized in the report. The filing came…

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NCAA Message Falls Shorts in Penn State Case

By Allan Lengel The NCAA wanted to send a message that protecting children is more important than Penn State football. But if the NCAA really meant it, it would have suspended play for at least a year. A $60 million fine essentially amounts to one year of revenue generated from the program. And no…

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Column: Penn State Cover Up is Lesson for Institutions Including Fed Law Enforcement

  By Allan Lengel There’s a lesson to be learned from the Jerry Sandusky-Penn State child sexual abuse scandal for institutions, including federal law enforcement agencies. The main lesson is that institutions aren’t more important than people. We’ve seen this play out so many times before. Institutions protecting their image, avoiding disgrace. We’ve seen…

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