Tests Results to Show If Jimmy Hoffa Was Buried Underneath a Driveway in Suburban Detroit

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  Was Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa buried in a driveway of suburban Detroit? Not likely. Tests of soil samples may answer that question this morning when results return from a Michigan State University forensic anthropologist, reports the Detroit Free Press.The analysis involves 4-inch samples of mud and clay and is designed to show…

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Atty. Herbert Miller Who Helped Convict Hoffa and Brokered Nixon Pardon Dies at Age 85

Miller Helped Convict James Hoffa By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — Herbert J. “Jack” Miller Jr. lead the Justice Department’s  war on organized crime in the 1960s under Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy,  and helped convict legendary Teamster James Hoffa ,  according to the Washington Post. On the flip side, as a top notch D.C. defense…

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