Watchdog Group Sues Justice Dept. For Failing to Release Investigative Documents on Tom DeLay

By Allan Lengel A government watchdog group — Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) — wants to figure out why ex-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) was never prosecuted federally. CREW filed a lawsuit Tuesday in U.S. District Court in D.C. against the Justice Department for failing to release records of the…

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Washington Post Editorial Calls For Congressional Commission to Review Anthrax Investigation

By The Washington Post Editorial Page WASHINGTON — RESOLUTION OF THE 2001 anthrax attacks continues to prove elusive. The Justice Department and the FBI identified Maryland scientist Bruce E. Ivins as having single-handedly carried out the attacks that killed five people and seriously sickened 17 others. The department was on the verge of seeking an…

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Report Raises Some Doubts About the Origin of the Killer Anthrax; Triggers Calls For Independent Review of Entire Case

By Allan Lengel For AOL News WASHINGTON — A report released Tuesday on the scientific methods used to investigate the deadly anthrax attacks disputes a key conclusion by the FBI — and has triggered calls for an independent review of the entire case. Investigators have concluded that government scientist Bruce Ivins mailed anthrax-laden letters to…

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