Federal Monitor to Review Newark PD After Numerous Violations Found

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com A federal monitor will investigate and review the Newark Police Department after the Justice Department found that officers routinely violated the constitutional rights of its citizens, The Star-Ledger reports. The DOJ reached an agreement over the federal monitor with the city of Newark. A three-year review of the police department found troublesome…

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Prosecutors Change Their Tune on Deterrence Involving Corporate Wrongdoing

By DEVLIN BARRETT and KIRSTEN GRIND  Wall Street Journal WASHINGTON—In extracting multibillion-dollar fines from Citigroup Inc. and other big banks, prosecutors say they are trying to deter future corporate wrongdoing by making shareholders angry enough to demand changes. It is a significant shift in tone for the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation, which…

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New Jersey Senator Says He’s Victim of Cuban Plot to Smear Him with False Allegations about Prostitutes

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Sen. Robert Menendez is urging the Justice Department to investigate what he claims was an elaborate smear campaign by Cuban operatives to destroy his reputation with lies about prostitutes, the Washington Post reports. The New Jersey Democrat, a vociferous critic of Castro’s regime, said Cuban officials created a fake tipster to claim…

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