Reporter Says Snowden Can Prove NSA Makes it Easy for Even Low Level Employees to Spy on Americans

Steve Neavling U.S. officials have said NSA leaker Edward Snowden was exaggerating when he indicated it was easy for even a low-level defense contractor to wiretap someone. Glenn Greenwald, the reporter who broke the story, told George Stephanopoulos on ABC News on Sunday that abusing the surveillance would be easy because of the lack of…

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Congress to Consider Restricting NSA’s Domestic Surveillance Programs

Steve Neavling The growing controversy over NSA’s domestic surveillance programs is likely to spark legislative debates that could change the extent to which feds can snoop on Americans, McClatchy Newspapers reports. Elected officials have been growing increasingly concerned about the NSA since Edward Swowden leaked information about the surveillance last month. “People at the…

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NSA Takes Steps to Strengthen Security of Sensitive Information Following Leak

Steve Neavling  Hoping to strengthen its security to avoid another leak, the NSA is examining how former contractor Edward Snowden was able to access and remove sensitive information, The Los Angeles Times reports. “This failure originated from two practices that we need to reverse,” Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said at a security forum…

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Michael Vickers

Pentagon: A Top Candidate for Next CIA Director, Michael Vickers, Disclosed Classified Information

Steve Neavling  Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers, among the possible candidates for the next CIA director, leaked classified information about the hunt for Osama bin Laden to filmmakers of an acclaimed movie, Pentagon investigators have concluded, McClatchy Newspapers reports. The Justice Department, however, has declined to pursue criminal prosecution since receiving the…

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Atty. Gen. Holder Appoints D.C. and Baltimore U.S. Attys to Probe National Security Leaks

By Allan Lengel Attorney General Eric Holder assigned the U.S. Attorneys from D.C. and Baltimore to launch criminal probes into national security leaks to members of the media. In a press release issued Friday, Holder said D.C. U.S. Attorney Ron Machen and Baltimore U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein will lead the probes. The leaks center…

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Justice Dept. Drops Leak Probe into Warrantless Wiretaps That Earned NY Times a Pulitzer

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Sometimes leak investigation fade into the sunset, never to be heard again. That appears to be the case with the Justice Department, which has quietly dropped the  criminal investigation into a lawyer who admitted leaking information about President George W. Bush’s top-secret warrantless wiretapping program to The New York…

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