FBI Agents Association Voices Support for Attorney General Nominee Loretta Lynch

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch seems to be getting a fair share of support from the law enforcement community. The FBI Agents Association issued a statement after her nomination by President Obama: “The FBIAA appreciates the importance of Attorney General leadership, and we look forward to working with Ms. Lynch, who…

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Justice Department Releases 64,000+ Pages of Fast & Furious Documents to U.S. House

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com After resisting for years, the Justice Department finally sent Congress 64,280 pages of documents involving the botched Fast and Furious investigation on Tuesday, the Washington Times reports. The disclosure prompted Republicans to assert that President Obama was acknowledging he had withheld the documents illegally by claiming executive privilege. The House of…

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