Justice Department Blasts Police for Violating Rights During Ferguson Protests

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  The Justice Department blasted the police response to the Ferguson protests and riots, saying police violated free-speech rights, antagonized and intimidated crowds with military-style tactics and protected officers from being held accountable, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. The police were accused of “vague and arbitrary” orders to force protesters to move,…

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Missouri Governor Sends in National Guard to Ferguson After Violence Breaks out During Protests

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com As violence erupted in Ferguson during protests overnight, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon deployed the National Guard in hopes of avoiding more looting and shootings, the USA Today reports. The order comes after another clash between police and protesters. Police reported dodging bullets and Molotov cocktails Sunday night and early Monday morning. No…

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