GOP Lawmakers Consider Ways to Disrupt President Obama’s Executive Actions on Immigration

By Steve Neavling  While Congressional Republicans pledge to fight President Obama’s executive actions on immigration, there’s little they can do, GOP leaders acknowledged Tuesday. The USA Today reports that Republicans have limited options. “We’re looking at a variety of options, both for right now and when Republicans control both houses of the Congress next…

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Jeh Johnson

Homeland Security Secretary Johnson to Defend President Obama’s Immigration Orders

By Steve Neavling  Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has a tough task ahead – defending President Obama’s executive order on immigration to combative Republicans. Fox News reports that Johnson is set to appear today before the House Homeland Security Committee to discuss the executive actions. “The reality is that, given our limited resources, these people…

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Republicans Accuse a Top DEA Official of Intimidation in Complaint to Inspector General

By Steve Neavling Did one of the top leaders of the DEA intimidate members of Congress while discussing a prescription drug bill? That’s the claim by two Republicans – Reps. Marsha Blackburn, Tenn., and Tom Marino, Pa. – who say in a letter to the Justice Department’s inspector general that DEA Deputy Assistant Administrator Joe…

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FBI Prohibited from Entering Libya to Arrest Terror Suspects

Steve Neavling The Libyan government is barring the FBI from arresting suspects in last year’s deadly terror attack on the U.S. that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, CNN reports. A top State Department official delivered the news to the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday. Republicans expressed shock that…

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Dem Staff Report Says Top Justice Officials Did Not Give Green Light for Fast and Furious

By Allan Lengel A report issued late Monday night by the Democrats on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform tries to debunk suggestions by Republicans that high level appointees at the Justice Department conceived and directed the very flawed ATF Operation Fast and Furious. It places the blame for the operation squarely…

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