Ex-Top Adviser to FBI Dir. Nominated as Assist. Atty. Gen. For National Security

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Lisa Monaco, a former top adviser to FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III, and currently Principal Deputy Attorney General, has been nominated by the White House to fill the job of Assistant Attorney General for National Security, the website Main Justice reported. She would replace interim Tod Hinnen, who stepped in…

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FBI’s Mueller Rattles Off Some Pretty Grim Statistics About the Battle Against the Mexican Drug Cartels

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com While telling Congress of the FBI’s efforts to battle the Mexican drug cartels, FBI director Robert S. Mueller III rattled off some pretty grim statistics. Appearing Wednesday before the House Judiciary Committee, Mueller said: Between $18 billion and $39 billion flows annually from the United States across the Southwest border to…

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FBI Director Mueller Says Cyber-Crimes Making it Easier to Steal Intelligence and Cash

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III emphasized Thursday that the cyberworld has dramatically changed the landscape when it comes to theft of intelligence and money. “You have probes and capabilities of intruding into networks..that previously you had to recruit somebody inside to obtain, which makes it much easier for…

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FBI Dir. Mueller Defends Terrorist Stings at Opening of Crime Lab in Calif.

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com In response to a string of FBI stings around the country involving terrorist suspects, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III on Wednesday defended the tactic, calling it “absolutely essential” to public safety, according to the Associated Press. “We have been tremendously successful in thwarting attacks,” Mueller said at a news conference…

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