Justice Dept. “Surprised and Disappointed” With Subpoena Issued for ATF

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — No surprise, politics is surfacing inside the beltway. The Justice Department on Friday expressed disappointment in a Congressional committee which issued a subpoena for documents from ATF on a controversial gun program,  saying it had already told the committee it planned to cooperate. “We  are therefore surprised and disappointed…

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Showdown in the Motown: Detroit Reporter Invokes the Fifth and Refuses to Disclose Sources

An angry ex-federal prosecutor wants to know who in the government leaked damaging information about him. And he wants a reporter to tell him who talked. The reporter is refusing. The drama continues. By Joe Swickard Detroit Free Press DETROIT — Detroit Free Press reporter David Ashenfelter declined under oath this afternoon to reveal confidential…

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