Let the Games Begin: President Officially Nominates Solicitor Gen. Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

By Allan Lengel ticklethe wire.com Let the games begin. With the smiling nominee flanked to his left, and his vice president to his right, President Obama on Monday morning announced the nomination of Solicitor General Elana Kagan for the Supreme Court. Heaping superlatives upon superlatives, he called her a “superb” Solicitor General and said she…

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Three Front Runners For Supreme Court Spot Have Had or Do Have Ties to Justice Dept; 2 Are Jewish

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON –– Three of the leading candidates reportedly being considered to replace the retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens all have had or do have ties to the Justice Department and two are Jewish, according to media reports. Elena Kagan, 49, the U.S. Solicitor General, the fourth highest ranking post…

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Ex-Fed Prosecutor Parker: State of Alaska and Prosecutor to Blame in DNA/Supreme Crt Case

By Ross Parker ticklethewire.com columnist The greater majority of Americans long assumed that the criminal court system worked just fine. With criminal defendants afforded substantive Constitutional rights, many people assumed the nation’s prison held no innocent men or women. This blithe assumption was upset in recent times by the use of DNA technology in post-conviction…

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