A Secretive Nixon Said the Wealthy Better Equipped for Ambassadorships

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com Assuredly the  Occupy Wall Street folks would find President Nixon’s grand jury testimony of interest. In newly released documents of President Richard Nixon’s 1974 grand jury testimony, the president admitted to giving precedence to wealthy campaign contributors when assigning foreign ambassador posts. The president maintained that such assignations were not “commitments” made…

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White House Can’t Pull the Trigger; Delays Emergency Request to Require Gun Reporting Along the Mexican Border

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — The White House just can’t seem to pull the trigger. James V. Grimaldi of the Washington Post reports that White House budget officials once against delayed a decision for at least two months on an emergency request that would require gun dealers along the Mexican border to report people…

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