Bruce E. Ivins, the suspected anthrax killer who committed suicide, was a complex person. Some friends saw him as a good person. Some evidence suggests he was a mad scientist — and a dangerous one at that. Some are still not convinced he’s the killer. Soon to be a motion picture?
By Anne Hull, Marilyn W. Thompson and Lyndsey Layton
Washington Post Staff Writers
WASHINGTON — Two days before he was found unconscious at home, felled by a lethal dose of Tylenol and valium, microbiologist Bruce E. Ivins logged on to one of the “express computers” on the second floor of the library in downtown Frederick.
He typed in the name of a Web site devoted to the anthrax-mailings investigation, a perplexing, unsolved case that had dragged on for seven years. At 7:13 p.m., the computer connected to a page that included comments from FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III, who was confident that the case soon would be solved. “I tell you, we’ve made great progress in the investigation,” he said.
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Read the Latest FBI Anthrax Documents