Thomas J. Harrington was named to the number three spot at the FBI, replacing Timothy P. Murphy, who moved up to the number two spot, the FBI announced Friday.
Up until now, Harrington was the FBI’s number four person, serving as the executive assistant director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch.
“Throughout his 25 years with the Bureau, T.J. has distinguished himself as an innovative leader,” FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III said in a statement. “He has led our efforts to become a more intelligence-led organization and initiated proven management practices to track progress, address gaps, and evaluate successes for our highest priorities and initiatives.”
Ticklethewire.com reported July 26 that Harrington was being considered for the number three spot. Along with that report, came speculation that Shawn Henry, who now heads up the Washington field office, would return to headquarters and take the number four spot. Then Kevin Perkins, who heads up the Criminal Investigative Division at headquarters, would take over the Washington field office.
Stay tuned.
To Read Harrington bio click here.