Toledo Blade Complains to FBI About Treatment of Reporter, Photogpraher

Steve Neavling

Two Toledo Blade journalists who were detained and whose cameras were confiscated by military security have filed complaints with the FBI, saying their First Amendment rights were violated by the Department of Army Police.

The Blade reports that reporter Tyrel Linkhorn and photographer Jetta Fraser shared their experience with the FBI on Tuesday afternoon.

“I don’t want this to be about me or The Blade necessarily,” Mr. Linkhorn said. “I just want to make sure that laws are followed properly and that people have the freedom that they should have.”

The incident happened Friday when Linkhorn and Fraser approached a driveway entrance of General Dynamics Lima tank plant. Although they had media credentials, they were placed in handcuffs, and Fraser’s camera was taken, according to the Blade.

“The Army does not have the right in this country to detain journalists, handcuff them, seize their cameras, and destroy our work product on the whim of an overzealous military police officer,” Dave Murray, managing editor of the newspaper, said. “The photos Ms. Fraser took were taken outside the secure perimeter of the tank plant and were photos that anyone with a cell phone could take as they drive by.”

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