U.S. Agents Recruit Mexican Drug Dealers as Informants; Local U.S. Law Enforcement Sometimes Left in Dark

U.S. federal agents are recruiting Mexican drug traffickers as informants. That may be a nice break through in the battle against the violent activity, but it’s causing friction with local law enforcement, which is often left in the dark. That’s the situation with Jose Daniel Gonzalez, a drug trafficker who was living in El Paso.


By William Booth
Washington Post Foreign Service
EL PASO, Tex. — José Daniel González was living the sweet life in America. He bought the $365,000 two-story Mediterranean with the tile roof and swimming pool. He started a trucking company, was raising a family. But on a Friday night in May, he was executed in his front yard — eight shots, tight pattern, close range.

According to police detectives, González knew the man who ordered his killing. He also knew the man who stood on his lawn and watched him die. These things are often personal, especially among high-level drug traffickers.

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