Breaking News: Philly’s Janice Fedarcyk Named Head of New York FBI; First Woman To Head Office

By Allan Lengel

Janice Fedarcyk, one of the names that had been circulating as a prospect to head the New York FBI,  has been named to that post. She is the first female to head that office.

Janice K. Fedarcyk-FBI Philadelphia
Janice K. Fedarcyk-FBI Philadelphia

Fedarcyk currently heads up the Philadelphia FBI. Agent Richard Kolko, a spokesman for the N.Y.  office, confirmed the appointment Thursday afternoon.

She replaces Joseph Demarest, who left the office under a cloud and was later assigned to headquarters  where he now works as Assistant Director of the International Operations Division.

He had  been under internal investigation in connection with an affair he’d had with a supervisor in his office. Investigators were looking into whether he had been totally forthright when questioned about it.

At the time, no permanent replacement had been named, so the office’s special agent in charge George Venizelos was named as the interim head.

Early on, Fedarcyk’s name had surfaced as a candidate along with some others including Andy Arena, who heads the Detroit FBI.

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