Shakeups at Justice Dept. and FBI

By Allan Lengel Shakeups over at the FBI and Justice Department. John Carlin, currently Chief of Staff and Senior Counsel to FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III, is joining the leadership team at the Justice Department’s National Security Division as Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General and Chief of Staff. He’s being replaced at the…

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Judge Blocks Justice Dept. From Correcting Statement About Anthrax Suspect

By Allan Lengel A federal judge temporarily blocked the Justice Department from correcting a court filing that undercut the FBI’s conclusion that Army researcher Bruce Ivins was responsible for the anthrax letter attacks in 2001, PBS Frontline, McClatchy and ProPublica reported in a joint story. U.S. District Judge Daniel Hurley of West Palm Beach,…

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EPA Agent Indicted for Allegedly Lying About Affair With FBI Agent

By Allan Lengel A former special agent with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Criminal Investigation Division in Dallas was indicted Wednesday in Louisiana for allegedly lying about having an affair with an FBI agent he was working with,  the Justice Department announced. Keith Phillips, 61, of Kent, Tex. was charged with obstruction of justice and…

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