Congress to Investigate Claims That Secret Service Agent Coerced Woman into Having Sex

secret-service-3By Steve Neavling

Very few people wanted to believe Kristen Miles Anderson’s claim that she was coerced into having sex with a Secret Service agent who was investigating whether she embezzled money from a bank.

It was March 2010, and the agent who first denied the sexual encounter later said the act was consensual, Greenville Online reports. 

Anderson eventually pleaded guilty to embezzling about $90,000 and was sentenced to 15 months in federal prison. She served 10 months.

A judge dismissed her lawsuit against the agent, the federal government and others, and a grand jury investigation into the alleged sexual encounter resulted in no charges.

But now the U.S. House Committee on Oversight is interested in learning more about what happened and last month requested the inspector general of Homeland Security to turn over a copy of the investigation report.

“I stood up and took the blame, told them what I did and paid the price,” Anderson said during an exclusive interview with The Greenville News. “Then to go back and learn they didn’t even charge him, that’s just devastating. I can’t even tell you.”

The accused agent, Richard Kerns Jr., could not be reached for comment.

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