Rep. Darrell Issa Accuses FBI of Stonewalling Investigation into IRS

Steve Neavling A leading California Congressman is threatening to subpoena FBI Director James B. Comey Jr. if the agency isn’t more forthcoming about its investigation into the federal government’s handling of a conservative group, the Washington Times reports. Rep. Darrell E. Issa is accusing the FBI of stonewalling his inquiry about whether the IRS…

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FBI Tries to Manage During Government Shutdown, Hopes for the Best

Steve Neavling The FBI is worried about the impact the government shutdown will have on investigating crime. Already hammered by budget cuts and sequestration, the FBI is operating without employees deemed “non-essential,” the Washington Times reports. A month ago, the FBI Agents Association said in a report that it’s concerned about budget cuts that…

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ACLU Recommends Budget Cuts Amid Imminent Government Shutdown Threats

Steve Neavling  New FBI Director James Comey may have to make big cuts to the bureau’s budget because of a government shutdown and last year’s sequester. The ACLU has some ideas about “programs that deserve to get the axe, because they’re ineffective, undermine innocent Americans’ privacy and civil liberties, or simply offend American values.”…

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