Ex-Homeland Chief Michael Chertoff Concerned Militias Could Copycat Terrorist Tactics

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — Ex-Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Sunday he has concerns that local terrorist groups or militias could pick up ideas from violent groups overseas. “I agree with Sen. Lieberman, this is not of the order of magnitude of what we see global terrorists,” Chertoff said on Meet the Press….

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Head of Detroit FBI Said Mainstream Militias Were “Appalled” With Christian Militia Members

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Andrew Arena, the head of the Detroit FBI, said Tuesday that other mainstream militias have distanced themselves from the nine members of the Christian militia in the Midwest who were indicted for plotting to kill law enforcement members. “I honestly think they don’t believe the same things this group does,” Arena…

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