Closings in Blago II; He’s a Liar and Swindler and His Testimony Was “Absurd”

By Allan Lengel Surprise Surprise (not really). Federal prosecutor Carrie Hamilton delivered closing arguments on Wednesday in U.S. District Court in downtown Chicago, calling defendant Rod Blagojevich a liar and a swindler, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. And oh yes, she said his seven days of testimony was “absurd” and “ludicrous.” The closings marked…

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Someone Inside the Beltway Likes Missouri U.S. Atty. Beth Phillips

By Allan Lengel Somebody inside the Beltway apparently likes Beth Phillips. In 2009, President Obama appointed her as U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri in Kansas City. Earlier this week,  the White House nominated the U.S. Attorney for a federal judgeship in Missouri. Before becoming U.S. Attorney she was  an Assistant U.S….

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Pres. Obama toasts firefighters at the station Thursday/white house photo

Secret Service Rules Barred Only Black Firefighter at NY Fire Station Where Obama Visited Because He Was Off-Duty

By Allan Lengel The Secret Service has its rules. As a result, the lone black firefighter at the Midtown firehouse — Engine 54, Ladder Company 4 — visited by President Obama on Thursday wasn’t allowed to be there, the New York Times reported. ”Secret Service only wanted the people that were working that tour…

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